Mudra Raiki

“Mudam Rati Iti Mudra” -“That which brings happiness is Mudra”. Through Mudra Raiki we intended to bring happiness in abundance by bringing the change from within. Reiki with an effective and qualitative difference. Reiki with a difference right from the initiation. That is ‘MUDRA RAIKI’. The Indian Tantric elements make Mudra Raiki distinct and more effective.
What is Raiki?

Raiki is a mystical reality and an amazing method of solving simple and complex problems we face. Raiki is a very special ‘PRANA UPASANA’ system. Invoking Raiki open up new dimensions to explore in life.
Reconnects with the natural life forces
Cleanses the body and thoughts
Balance Body and Mind
Meditations practices
Monthly Upasaka sangamam
Special occasions and practices in saadhana
Indian Raiki Association

Indian Raiki Association was formed on Deepavali of 1999 at Calicut, Kerala, India. Our motive is to give advise, assistance and encouragement to Raiki practitioners who receive Raiki initiation from under Mudra Raiki discipline, for practicing Raiki regularly and to use it for their daily life.
We intent to arrest the dropout phenomenon as far as possible. To explore the hidden possibilities of Raiki, a collective endeavour is needed. Raiki practitioners have a unique duty to serve the society and humanity as a whole. For these purposes an association of Raiki practitioners is inevitable – this is our view.
Our association has no registration fee or monthly membership fee. We only value the sincere dedication of our members towards Raiki. Our association is unconventional – it has no by-law or bank account. We have no affiliation to any such similar organisations or associations.
A life with better control on
Changing the perception and the access to the abundant life energy, conspires a better life for you.
The life you have a control on. The life you feel content about.